Dog Tips & Tricks

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Dog Tips & Tricks

Tips for making your  dog obedient and well mannered

12375040-five-dogs-in-front-of-a-white-backgroundIf you own a pet, then it would be obvious that you will want it to be obedient.  You will have to train and tame your pet for it as these abilities are not inborn. Are looking forward to train your dog to be obedient? Here are some tips that will help you in taming your dog:

Adopt a positive attitude while teaching your dog:

Both negative and positive reinforcements can be used to train dogs.  Negative reinforcement includes the use of collars and electric shocks.  Your dog will fear you and this might make him change his behavior.  However this might make him aggressive and he would show unpredictable behavior.   It is better to use positive reinforcement. Give the dog food rewards and use words to praise him too.

Make a training schedule and follow it

A training schedule can help your dog in changing to a great extent.  The dog will start anticipating the timings of the training sessions.  It is better to schedule the time of training before meal as it will motivate the dog to perform and learn well.

Consider the time of the training

Make sure that the time of training is short.  Like human beings, the attention span of animals is also less.   The training session should be no longer than 5 minutes.  If this time will be extended then your dog will lose energy and he won’t perform well.

Don’t go punishing the animal

If you will punish the dog in the form of yelling and hitting then it can make him scared and he might come under stress. It is better to keep a reward for good behavior.   When the dog will see reward then he will be more motivated to come up to your expectations.

Practice using a clicker

The clicker can be used as a tool to signal your dog that he must behave.   Make sure you click when the dog behaves in the correct way.  He will then associate it with good behavior.

Make a plan for the training

You must plan what you want the animal to do and learn from the training.  Use physical as well as verbal cues in order to train the dog.  Planning might include deciding how much time you want the dog to sit.  

Praise and reward your dog

When your dog performs well, then don’t forget to praise and reward your pet. Give dog biscuits and hug him when he performs well.  The reward will make the dog to be more obedient as he will fee love and affection.

If you will follow these tips properly then you will find your dog much more obedient and his behavior will be under your control. 



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